Are you ready for winter? And is your pop-top roof too?

Aufstelldach CheckUp Pflege

Are you ready for winter? And is your pop-top roof too?

Your pop-top roof has probably had a few "working hours" after this great summer. Maybe you're also going camping in winter or you're just getting your campervan ready for hibernation? Either way, it's important to maintain and winterise your pop-top roof properly. 

Pop-top roof in winter use: 

It is particularly important that your fabric bellows is well impregnated for damp and cold days/nights. The rubber seals should also be properly maintained. Without this care, the seals can become brittle. This keeps the rubber seals fresh for a long time.  

Pop-top roof in hibernation:  
If you are putting your van into hibernation, it is not absolutely necessary to carry out a check-up before winter. However, it can be an advantage, as it makes sense to check, clean, grease and adjust the stays and settings of the closing mechanisms in advance so that they are and remain in the correct position if they are not opened for a long time. Depending on where your van is parked (outside/inside), it is also important to maintain the rubber seals. Otherwise, we recommend that you schedule a small wellness programme for your pop-top roof with us in spring at the latest.

You can find more information about our roof check-up (also known as wellness 😉) here:

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Take advantage of the big spring promotion now and buy a pop-top roof and the camping box at a great price!


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